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Friday, June 19, 2009

Top 10's Cool Facts

In 1998, Sony accidently sold 700,000 camcorders that had the technology to see through peoples clothes.

The search engine Google got its name from the word ëgoogolí, which refers to the number one with a hundred zeros after it.

-40 degrees Celsius is equal to -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.

35% of the people using personal ads for dating are already married.

40% of all indigestion remedies sold in the world are bought by Americans.

Before toilet paper was invented, French royalty wiped their bottoms with fine linen.

About twenty-five percent of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light.

Q-Tip Cotton Swabs were originally called Baby Gays.

The IRS employees tax manual has instructions for collecting taxes after a nuclear war.

A baboon called Jackie became a private in the South African army in World War I.

California has issued at least 6 drivers licenses to people named Jesus Christ.

Cat urine glows under a black-light.

Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.

Farmers in England are required by law to provide their pigs with toys.

For every normal webpage, there are five porn pages.

From a complete stop, a human is capable of outrunning a Formula One Racecar for about 30 feet.

Gloucestershire airport in England used to blast Tina Turner songs on the runways to scare birds away.

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